In May, Northern California is in the midst of spring, and honeybees are very active as they gather nectar and pollen to feed their colony. Here are some things you can do at a beehive in May in Northern California:

  1. Check the hive: Check the hive for signs of health and activity. Look for the number of bees, brood pattern, and signs of disease. If you notice any issues, consult a local beekeeping association or a knowledgeable beekeeper.
  2. Add supers: As the hive grows, the bees will need more space to store honey. Add supers to the hive to give them more room.
  3. Inspect frames: Inspect frames to ensure they are in good condition and replace any damaged frames.
  4. Monitor the weather: Check the weather regularly, as sudden temperature changes or prolonged rain can affect the hive. Make sure the bees have access to water, and provide shade if necessary.
  5. Provide food: In the spring, bees require a lot of food to fuel their activities. Ensure there is enough nectar and pollen available for the bees, and consider supplementing their food with sugar syrup if necessary.
  6. Look for signs of swarming: In the spring, bees may swarm to start a new colony. Look for signs of swarming, such as a sudden decrease in activity, queen cells, or a change in the sound of the hive.
  7. Plan for honey extraction: If you plan to extract honey later in the year, now is a good time to prepare your equipment and plan your extraction process.

Remember to always wear protective gear when working with bees and be respectful of their space and activities.

Want to harvest your honey, buy your beehive