A sense of touch

Bees’ sense of touch can reasonnably be compared to man’s: their antenna is similar to our hands, but the difference is that the rest of their body is sensible to touch and thus used by bees to be more aware of their surroudings.

Beens’ sense of touch comes from two major body parts: in between their eyes and where their neck connect to the rest of their bodies. Indeed, the information collected with the way the air feel between their eyes provides foraging bees with crutial informations. Their sense of gravity comes from the feeling at the bottom of their neck.

Bees’ eysight being lessen than man’s, they tend to need to use their antenna to feel the physical environment around them, just like a blind person would use a walking-stick.

Worker bees use their antennas the most, to feel the object and potential threats around them at all times.

Last but not least, bees use their antennas and sense of touch for other purposes, such as collecting pollen and propolis, or removing foreign objects out of their hives for instance.