Spring is finally here! Which means many things in beekeeping: it is time for you to buy nucs, bees and queens! In other words, it is the start of the busiest time of the year for beekeepers.

Received Queen bees before weekend

On Beeopic website you can buy bee hives, nucs and queens and have them sent to your home. The process is fairly straight forward: every tuesdays, our head beekeeper collects the queens in our apiary’s hives and put them with a few worker bees in small plastic transporting boxes with candi.
Then, he bring them back to our barn and our team proceeds to call you to inform you that your order is ready and to check with you if the dates are convenient, if not you can move your shipping date by a week (the shipping is only done once a week on Tuesday).
We try to be as accommodating as possible in order to not waste any bees, they risk being killed if not collected as soon as sent by our beekeepers to your mailbox. Once the correct Tuesday agreed upon, we sent the queens bees through Fedex and you receive them by Wednesday or Thursday.

First-come, First-served

We have a first-comes, first-served policy, so the earlier you order your queens and nucs on our website, the faster you will receive them and thus start your beekeeping season!

If you have any other question, do not hesitate to contact us at queen@beeopic.com, we will be happy to assist you.