Some beekeepers choose to move their hives to follow different honey drew and therefore produce specific honey. The most important rule to follow when transporting hives is to move them more than 2 miles further than their previous location. Also, the ideal time to do so would be late at night or early in the morning (before sunrise) to prevent disturbing your bees too much. It goes without saying that your equipment and outfit must be in perfect condition and road worthy.

For short drives:

1- Securely close your hive, meaning both checking the roof is properly closed and putting an entrance grid.
2- Gently place your hives in the back of your truck, and always make sure they are stable and leveled out.
3- As soon as you arrive at the new location, settle down your new apiary and be sure to remove the entrance grid right away.

For long drives or hot weather:

1- Securely close your hives, meaning both checking the roof is properly closed and putting a « muzzle », meaning a frame covered in grid so that your bees can go outside and breath but not leave. Be sure to secure it carefully.
2- Gently place your hives in the back of your truck, and always make sure they are stable and leveled out
3- As soon as you arrive at the new location, settle down your new apiary and be sure to remove the entrance grid right away.

For large-scale apiary:

1- In this scenario, most beekeepers use a crane to move their apiary. Another solution is to put your hives on wooden pallet.
Step 2 and 3 are identical, meaning you have to be careful to level up the hives and to open the entrances as soon as you can to prevent suffocating your bees.